Sunday, October 14, 2012

Its Been an Amazing Couple of Weeks!

We just finished playing 6 shows in two weeks - not a lot for some bands/touring bands - but it was more than we've done in a while - and we loved every minute of it - So many good nights (and days) and so many friends - From the great crowd in Salem to the insane debauchery of the Radio One year birthday party last night - it was fantastic. Thanks so much to Aimee and Radio for the show and for a great club and a great year - here's to many many more! Thanks as well to Nicole and Johnny Anguish for the Bands for Babs Shows, to the Vivs and Josh at Tommy Doyles, Kier and Northeastern, Brendan and The Grownup Noise, and all our friends from yesterday - Oldjack, The Field Effect, Sidewalk Driver, Mello Bravo, Streight Angular, Parlor Bells, Cancer Killing Gemini, The Acrobrats, Cocked & Loaded and so many more!

And as always - to everyone who was there rocking out with us anywhere along the line! Thanks!

Now its a couple of weeks of polishing up some more new tunes, getting ready to get back in the studio soon and prepping for some great shows in November -

First will be our first ever visit as a band to Portland, ME on Sat Nov 10 for a show at Bayside Bowl with our friends When Particles Collide and Worried Well. Then an absolutley HUGE show in town at Radio on Friday Nov 16 with The Field Effect, Velah and Freddy Hall & The Best Intentions (up from Brooklyn)- We're telling you - this is going to be a great night.

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