Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chad Raleigh joins The Rationales!

We are really excited to announce that Chad Raleigh has joined The Rationales!

We've all been fans of him and his guitar playing from afar for years in his band Trucker Mouth, and with them in an inactive period at the moment, it has freed him up to come aboard.

Come see him at his first Boston area show* as the lead guitarist of The Rationales Friday, November 16 at Radio on a show that had already promised to be monumental just based on the lineup (Velah, The Field Effect, Freddy Hall & the Best Intentions)  - now it is even more so with it being the debut of Chad!

((*Technically his first show with the band will be Sat, Nov. 10 in Portland, ME - should you want to roadtrip up for that and start some sort of streak of never missing a Rationales show again!))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe that the Chad Raleigh I once knew is now the lead guitarist for a Wuss Rock band.

I guess Rock and Roll really is dead.